
Helper class for Inbox-core Related features.


Umang Chamaria




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object Companion


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fun deleteAllMessages(context: Context, workspaceId: String? = null)

Deletes all the messages from inbox. This API deletes the messages for the account configured as default.

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fun deleteMessage(context: Context, inboxMessage: InboxMessage)

Deletes the given message from inbox. This API deletes the message for the account configured as default.

fun deleteMessage(context: Context, inboxMessage: InboxMessage, appId: String)

Deletes the given message from inbox. This API deletes the message for the given account.

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Gets all the messages saved in the inbox for the account configured as default.

Gets all the messages saved in the inbox for the given account.

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Gets all the messages saved in the inbox in the listener. This API fetches the message for the account configured as default.

Gets all the messages saved in the inbox in the listener. This API fetches the message for the given account.

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Gets all the messages filtered by message tag in the inbox for the instance configured as default.

Gets all the messages filtered by message tag in the inbox for the given instance.

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fun fetchMessagesByTagAsync(context: Context, messageTag: String, appId: String, listener: OnMessagesAvailableListener)

Return all the messages filtered by message tag in the inbox to the listener. This API fetches messages for the account configured as default.

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fun getCouponCode(inboxMessage: InboxMessage): String

Get the coupon code associated to the campaign, if any.

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Returns the count of un-clicked messages in the inbox for the account configured as default.

Returns the count of un-clicked messages in the inbox for the given instance.

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Returns the count of un-clicked messages in the inbox to the listener. This API fetches the count for the account configured as default.

Returns the count of un-clicked messages in the inbox to the listener. This API fetches the count for the given account.

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fun hasCouponCode(inboxMessage: InboxMessage): Boolean

Checks whether the message has a coupon code associated to it.

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fun trackMessageClicked(context: Context, inboxMessage: InboxMessage)

Marks the given message as clicked and tracks a click event for the same. This API updates the message for the account configured as default.

fun trackMessageClicked(context: Context, inboxMessage: InboxMessage, appId: String)

Marks the given message as clicked and tracks a click event for the same. This API updates the message for the given account.