
data class InboxMessage(val id: Long, val campaignId: String, val textContent: TextContent, val action: List<Action>, var isClicked: Boolean, val tag: String, val receivedTime: String, val expiry: String, val mediaContent: MediaContent? = null, val payload: JSONObject)

Data object for Inbox Messages


Umang Chamaria




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constructor(id: Long, campaignId: String, textContent: TextContent, action: List<Action>, isClicked: Boolean, tag: String, receivedTime: String, expiry: String, mediaContent: MediaContent? = null, payload: JSONObject)


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Click action associated to the message.

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Unique identifier for the message.

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Time the message would expire.

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val id: Long
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True is the message has been clicked, else false.

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Media associated with the message.

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Complete campaign payload.

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Time the message was received on the device.

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val tag: String

Tag associated with the message, if nothing is defined general category is added.

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Text content for message.