
open class PushMessageListener(appId: String)

This class is a callback for the push message delivery. In order to modify the behavior simply extend this class and override methods




Umang Chamaria


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constructor(appId: String)


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open fun customizeNotification(notification: Notification, context: Context, payload: Bundle)

Callback to customise the notification object if required. SDK uses this method to add/customise a few settings like vibration, led color etc. Make sure you call super before adding your own customisation.

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open fun getIntentFlags(payload: Bundle): Int

Get the intent flags for the redirection intent

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open fun handleCustomAction(context: Context, payload: String)

Callback triggered for custom action.

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open fun isNotificationRequired(context: Context, payload: Bundle): Boolean

Return value of this method decides whether a notification should be shown or not. In case you are overriding this method ensure you call super(context, payload), notifications will not be shown if super is not called. Note: If the super(context, payload) returns false ensure that the method always returns false.

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Build the notification using NotificationCompat.Builder

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open fun onNotificationCleared(context: Context, payload: Bundle)

Callback triggered when notification is cleared from the device's notification drawer.

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open fun onNotificationClick(activity: Activity, payload: Bundle): Boolean

This method is used to redirect the user to a specific screen or URL on notification click.

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open fun onNotificationReceived(context: Context, payload: Bundle)

Callback triggered whenever notification is received by the application.

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Callback triggered after the notification is shown.