Clear the cached card identifiers for the application session.
Marks a card as deleted.
Set of card identifiers shown in the current application session.
Gets the custom adapter used for inbox or instance of DefaultCardAdapter in case custom adapter is not set.
Returns a list of categories to be shown.
Returns a list of eligible cards for the given category to the callback CardListener.onCardAvailable To fetch all cards irrespective of categories pass in the category as MoECardHelper.CATEGORY_ALL
Returns the count of new cards to the callback CardListener.onNewCardCountAvailable
Returns the count of unread cards to the callback CardListener.onUnClickedCountAvailable
Track cards shown and update delivery counters accordingly.
Notifies the SDK that the inbox view is gone to the background.
Registers a callback to be notified for card related events.
Set a custom adapter for inbox customisation
Marks a card as clicked and tracks an event for statistical purpose.
Tracking card delivery to inbox.
Tracks inbox open.