Package-level declarations
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class AddOnFeatures constructor(val campaignTag: String, val shouldIgnoreInbox: Boolean, val pushToInbox: Boolean, val isRichPush: Boolean, val isPersistent: Boolean, val shouldDismissOnClick: Boolean, val autoDismissTime: Long, val shouldShowMultipleNotification: Boolean, val largeIconUrl: String, val hasHtmlContent: Boolean)
Add-on features in push above basic features.
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class NotificationPayload constructor(val notificationType: String, val campaignId: String, val text: NotificationText, val imageUrl: String?, var channelId: String, val inboxExpiry: Long, val actionButtons: List<ActionButton>, val addOnFeatures: AddOnFeatures, val payload: Bundle)
Notification payload
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Text content for a push notification
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Supported Push Services
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Interface definition for token registration result